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DCC Minutes 10/23/2012
Joint Meeting of the
Dukes County Advisory Board on Expenditures
Dukes County Commissioners


Tuesday, October 23, 2012
2:30 p.m.
Dukes County Administration Building
9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA

County Advisory Board (CAB): Arthur Smadback (Edgartown - 35.96%), Skipper Manter (West Tisbury – 14.20%), Walter Vail (Oak Bluffs – 14.87%), Bill Rossi (Chilmark – 15.83%)

Dukes County Commissioners (DCC): Melinda Loberg, Carlene Gatting, Beth Toomey, Tristan Isreal

County Staff Present: Martina Thornton - County Manager, Noreen Mavro Flanders - Treasurer, Sarah Kuh - Director Vineyard Health Care Access, Cindy Mitchell - Vineyard Health Care Access Board Member, T.J. Hagerty - IPM Director, Connie Andrade - Administrative Assistant to County Manager


  • FY2013 BUDGET TRANSFERS (attached):
  • Martina explained the transfers by Department.  Discussion was held. Skipper proposed a question regarding the County Manager’s contract and the fact that the annual salary is at a higher rate than originally appropriated.  Melinda and Tristan responded when the County Commissioners hired a new manager, they stayed within the approved budget for FY13 and there will be an actual savings for the County due to staffing changes in the office.
Skipper/Walter moved to approve the transfers as presented.
So voted. Arthur, Bill, Art and Walter voted yes, Skipper voted no. Motion carries.

Tristan/Beth moved to approve the transfers as presented.  So voted.  All DCC members in favor.

  • Vineyard Health Care Access (VHCAP):
Martina presented the CAB with a proposal for insulation and dehumidification of the crawl
space at the building on New York Avenue in Oak Bluffs.  She advised that a second opinion
was obtained from Cape Light Compact to verify the proposal.  

Skipper/Walter moved to transfer up to $7,500.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance for
this project.  So voted.  All CAB members in favor.

Tristan/Beth moved to transfer up to $7,500.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance for this project.  So voted.  All DCC members in favor.

  • The Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM):
Martina proposed a transfer of $1,350.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance to Line 52900 of
the IPM budget as payment to The Cape Cod Mosquito Control for mosquito testing.

Skipper/Walter moved to transfer $1,350.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance to the
IPM Budget Line 52900.   So voted.  All CAB members in favor.

Tristan/Beth moved to transfer $1,350.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance to the IPM budget line 52900.  So voted.  All DCC members in favor.

  • FY2014 COLA:
The CAB agreed that the same formula as last year (the median from all island towns from
previous FY) will be used to establish COLA for FY2014.  The calculation is 2.95%.

  • Formula for Non-Mandated Programs:
     Bill/Skipper moved to use the 50/50 formula for the two non-mandated programs in FY14.
     So voted.  All CAB members favor.

      Tristan/Carlene moved to use the 50/50 formula for the two non-mandated programs.
So voted.  All DCC members in favor.

The CAB reviewed the draft budgets for both programs and requested that final drafts of the budgets be presented at the next meeting before the end of November.

  • OPEB Liabilities Funding (Attached):
Noreen explained the OPEB liabilities of the county and proposed that we start putting money aside for funding.  CAB agreed to reduce the town’s assessments by $157,540.00 only and
use $150,000.00 in FY2014 to fund the OPEB.

  • MOU’s Regarding VHCAP and IPM:
The Vineyard Health Care Access and the Integrated Pest Control will be 100% funded by the Towns in FY14. Discussion was held regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the Towns and County regarding the two non-mandated programs.  Martina proposed the creation
of an Oversight Board for each program.  The CAB felt it was not necessary as they (the CAB Members) can report back to their Towns.

Adjournment (4:30 p.m.)

Next meeting of County Commissioners is November 14th, which is a mandatory meeting for all Commissioners.  

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO, JR., Clerk of Courts

Documents presented at the meeting and part of the Official Records:

  • FY2013 Budget Transfers & Supplemental Budget
  • FY2014 Draft VHCAP Budget
  • FY2014 Draft Integrated Pest Management Budget  
  • Agenda
  • OPEB Liabilities Report
  • FY2013 Dukes County Revenue Comparison –First Quarter